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Young People

Young People

Young People

UNFPA along with its partners has been striving to provide adolescents, and youth, including the most vulnerable, with increased opportunities to participate in decision-making and lead initiatives that promote sustainable development, peace, and security in Libya.

This includes: (a) supporting the development of a national youth strategy and an action plan, with youth participation; (b) building capacities of youth on life skills and citizenship education, (c) supporting youth networks to contribute to achieving sustainable development, peace, and security in their communities and country and (d) operationalizing UNSCR 2250 and convening a national coalition and programme on youth, peace and security.

UNFPA has contributed to the development of a national youth strategy and an action plan, with youth participation. UNFPA helped build capacities of youth on life skills and citizenship education. UNFPA is an active member of the Youth Working Group.

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