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The Nairobi Statement was formulated after six months of global consultations led by the International Steering Committee on ICPD25, with hundreds of organizations and thousands of people involved. It provides a global framework for the formulation of government and partner commitments. Since it is non-binding, countries and other stakeholders may choose to support the Nairobi Statement in its entirety, in part, or not at all. In no way does supporting the Nairobi Statement infringe upon national sovereignty.





We asked adolescent girls from Palestine, Jordan, Kurdistan Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Syria about their dreams and aspirations, and they answered that any girl should be able to aspire to be an architect, a pilot or even the president of her country!

UNFPA believes in the right of girls to be informed about their bodies and empowered in their ability to choose what is better for them, and encourages teenage girls to stay in school, pursue professional opportunities and delay pregnancy until they are over 18 years of age.

It is our responsibility to give proper information to adolescent girls, so they can grow into a safe and healthy womanhood.


UNFPA Libya Youth Day -Berangere Boell Yousfi.
« UNFPA stands by Libyan young people, address delivered by Berangere Boell-Yousfi, Head of UNFPA Libya on the occasion of international youth day”


2017 هذا ما أنجزه صندوق الامم المتحدة في ليبيا في 60 ثانية سنة


يُحتفل بعيد الحب حول العالم باعتباره وقتا رومانسيا بالنسبة للأزواج. لكن بالنسبة لملايين الأطفال الذين يتم تزويجهم قبل أن يكونوا مستعدين، فغالبا ما يجري ذلك عكس إرادتهم. إذ يعرضهم زواج الأطفال إلى العنف، بما في ذلك الاغتصاب، وغالبا ما يرغمهم على الانقطاع عن المدرسة ودخول مرحلة الأبوة قبل الأوان.


في هذا العام، وبالنسبة لعيد الحب، يطالب صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان العالم بمنح الأولوية لإنهاء زواج الأطفال.



ولا تزال الأزمة التي طال أمدها في ليبيا تعطل النظام الصحي مع تزايد عدد الوفيات عند الولادة المبلغ عنها. ويعد مستشفى هون واحدا من بين العديد من المراكز الصحية التي تستفيد من دعم الصندوق الامم المتحدة للسكان .


حماية النساء والفتيات في ليبيا


The protracted crisis in Libya continues to disrupt the health system with increasing number of reported maternal deaths, especially in the South. The Hun Hospital is one among many health centers benefiting from UNFPA support. Doctors testify their experiences and reveal challenges and problems they face daily. In 2017, UNFPA provided nearly 300 emergency reproductive health kits containing life-saving medical supplies and drugs reaching more than 8,000 women and girls in primary and secondary health centers throughout Libya, and trained health workers in Safe Delivery. UNFPA has deployed three mobile teams in the hard-to-reach areas, supported hospitals with reproductive health kits, and trained medical staff on obstetric and neonatal care, saving the lives of hundreds of women and newborns, including close to 5,500 UNFPA assisted safe deliveries.